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Saturday 21 January 2012

about the video

when I read a book, Im gone, my mind is somewhere else, I am somewhere else.
that is what they are trying to say in the video, you train your imagination with books and literature. when you read a story, you imagine how the charactures look, you imagine where they live and in some moments you are those charactures. with visual things there is less imagination, everything you need to know is right in front of you. but what is the fun of that? books remains to be the largest source for information and if we would take more care of them we would have so much more knowlegde than now. of course there are emotions and feelings in films and pictures, but those are not your emotions and not your feelings. with reading and writing they become your feelings and your emotions. as a teacher I think it is important to stimulate reading and writing because it is so important in so many ways, not only for the imagination and your emotions but what about the knowlegde that is hidden in most books, like difficult words or even grammar. literature has always been the most important way to communicate and I think it will always be that way, no televisions or computers will change that.

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